The Institution of Engineers (India)

IEI Students’ Chapter – Mohamed Sathak Engineering College, Kilakarai-623 806
Life Institutional Membership
Mohamed Sathak Engineering College, kilakarai has been recognized as authorized students’ chapter for all engineering discipline approved by The Institutions of Engineers (India), Kolkata, since 10, September 2013. Still 2691 student members were enrolled in students’ chapters. Here around 17 faculty members were received corporate membership certificate from the Institution of Engineers India (IEI), Kolkata- 700 020.
The Institution of Engineers (India) [IEI] is a statutory body to promote and advance the engineering and technology, established in 1920 and incorporated by Royal Charter in 1935. It is the largest multi-disciplinary professional body of engineers encompassing 15 (fifteen) engineering disciplines with a membership of more than 820 thousand, and serving the nation for more than 9 decades. The IEI has its headquarters located in Kolkata with national presence through more than hundred Centres and several Overseas Chapters, Foras and Organ
The Institution was granted Royal Charter On September 9, 1935 by his Majesty the King and Emperor George V, which was a momentous event in the annals of Engineering Industry and education in India. The Royal Charter endowed the Institution with the responsibility to promote the general advancement of engineering amongst members and persons attached to the Institution. IEI has been recognized as Scientific and Industrial Research Organization by the Ministry of Science & Technology, Govt. of India and besides conducting its own research, provides Grant-in-Aid to UG/PG/ PhD students of Engineering Institutes & Universities.
The Institution of Engineers (India) is a pioneer body to introduce, starting from 1928, continuing engineering education programme, successful completion of which is recognized as equivalent to a degree in engineering by the Government of India, the Union Public Service Commission, the State Governments and many Public / Private Sector organizations in the country. The Institution of Engineers (India), with its headquarters in Kolkata, India, is administered by a National Council with the President of IEI as its Head.
The Institution of Engineers (India) is a first professional body to represent India in several International Bodies, such as the World Mining Congress (WMC), the World Federation of Engineering Organizations (WFEO), the Commonwealth Engineers’ Council (CEC), the Federation International du Beton (fib), and the Federation of Engineering Institutions of South and Central Asia (FEISCA). It also has bilateral agreements with a number of professional societies across the globe.
IEI holds the International Professional Engineers (IntPE) Register for India under the global International Professional Engineers Alliance (IntPEA). The Institution also wards the Professional Engineers (PE) Certification.
Ever since its inception, IEI has been the forerunner in setting up national standards for promoting the country’s industrial base which culminated on the formation of the Indian Standard Institution (ISI), now called as Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS). IEI, in collaboration with Springer, regularly publishes peer-reviewed international journal in five series, covering fifteen engineering disciplines.
Various technical events like seminars, industrial visits, group discussions, technical quiz competitions, workshops and model/ poster competitions will be organized throughout the year with sponsor and banner of IEI.
An Annual Students' Convention with a Seminar on a topical subject and Technical Session will be conducted to provide a platform for presentation of technical papers and building fellowship and opportunities for networking with peers and senior members to the Institution.
Opportunity to participate in technical events e.g. Seminars, Symposia, Conventions, Workshops etc. organized by various IEI centres at State, National and International levels at a concessional rate of 20%.
Corporate members are eligible to stay in the guesthouse all the IEI local centre throughout the country with minimum charge during the participation in the seminar symposium etc.
Scholarships for selected student members will be given by IEI.
R & D grant from IEI.
Sl. No. | Department | Chapter Code | Enrolled Membership up to) Strength |
1 | Aeronautical Engineering | 623806/MSEC/AS | 171 |
2 | Chemical Engineering | 623806/MSEC/CH | 259 |
3 | Computer Science and Engineering | 623806/MSEC/CS | 363 |
4 | Civil Engineering | 623806/MSEC/CV | 412 |
5 | Electronics and Communication Engineering | 623806/MSEC/EC | 390 |
6 | Electrical and Electronics Engineering | 623806/MSEC/EL | 348 |
7 | Information Technology | 623806/MSEC/IT | 215 |
8 | Mechanical Engineering | 623806/MSEC/MC | 525 |
9 | Marine Engineering | 623806/MSEC/MR | 178 |
10 | Architecture | 623806/MSEC/AR | 039 |
Sl. No. | Name | Membership Grade and Number | Qualification | Present Occupation | Chapter Responsibilities | Mobile Number | E-Mail Address |
1 | Dr. V. NIRMAL KANNAN | FIE.,C.Eng(I) | B.E. (Hons), M.Tech (IITM), PhD (IITD) (Mechanical Engineering) | Principal | Chapter Chairman ECSC | 9443543458 | |
2 | Dr. M. VIJAYARAJ | MIE & M-1577160 | M.E.,(CSE) | Associate Professor & Head / Information Technology | Faculty Advisor ECSC | 9442049030 | |
3 | DR. P. SATHEES KUMAR | MIE & M-1498260 | M.E., Ph.D., (Remote Sensing) | Associate Professor/CIVIL | Faculty Advisor IEI Students' Chapter (Civil) | 9486125352 | |
4 | Er. V.R. SATHISH KUMAR | AMIE & AM-1555416 | M.E., (CSE) | Assistant Professor/ CSE | Faculty Advisor IEI Students' Chapter (CSE) | 9994099857 | |
5 | Er. K. THEIVA JEYA SELVI | MIE & M-1577136 | M.E., (Applied Electronics) | Assistant Professor /ECE | Faculty Advisor IEI Students' Chapter (ECE) | 9944403751 | |
6 | Er. N. AHAMED HUSSAIN ASIF | AMIE.,C.Eng (I) & AM-1585374 | M.E.,(Power Systems) | Assistant Professor/EEE | Faculty Advisor IEI Students' Chapter (EEE) | 9942274187 | |
7 | Er. S. KARTHIYAYINI | MIE & M-1498198 | M.E.,(CSE) | Assistant Professor /IT | Faculty Advisor IEI Students' Chapter (IT) | 9843098497 | |
8 | DR. M. RAJESWARAN | MIE & M-149825 | M.E.,(Thermal Engineering) | Assistant Professor /Mechanical | Faculty Advisor IEI Students' Chapter (MECH) | 9442960598 | |
9 | Mr. C. RAMARAJ | - | M.E.,(Thermal Engineering) | Assistant Professor /Aero | Faculty Advisor IEI Students' Chapter (AERO) | 7010758080 | |
10 | Mr. SANKARAN | - | M.E.,(Hostel Management) | Assistant Professor /Marine | Faculty Advisor IEI Students' Chapter (MARINE) | 9952524142 | |
11 | Ms. S.P. SHANMUGA PRIYA | - | M.Tech(Chemical) | Associate Professor&Head | Faculty Advisor IEI Students' Chapter (CHEM) | 7010873122 | |
Membership Benefits
IEI offers Life Institutional Membership to organizations throughout India. Any public or Local Body, Registered Company or Firm or an Individual may desire to be attached as Institutional Member (IM).
Benefits of Institutional Members
Institutional Members will receive all parts of IEI Journal and other Publications per year giving the latest knowledge as applicable to 15 Engineering Disciplines.
Five Library Cards of IEI libraries without payment of any fees, (Security deposit however, is applicable).
Participation of two representatives of Institutional Member in International activities organized by IEI across the country at a concession of 50% in Registration fee.
Participation of Deputed Staff (both Engineering and Managerial) in or any other Technical Activities at a concessional rate as offered to the existing Corporate Members of IEI.
Concession of 5% in the rate for advertisement in the Institution Publication provided these are sent directly to the Institution.
Use of Institution Premises for Technical / Academic purpose on payment of fee to be fixed by the State / Local Centre.
Facility of IEI guest room accommodation to Managerial / Technical Staff at rates fixed by the State / Local Centre.
Technical collaboration for arranging technical seminars/symposia/workshops etc. a grant of Rs 40,000/- for organizing two national level seminars/workshops in a year.
Chartered Engineer
As per the Declaration No.16 of the Royal Charter, 1935 and Clause 69(i) of the Bye-Laws & Regulations of the Institution, every Corporate Member (FIE/MIE/AMIE) is entitled to use the style and title of Chartered Engineer (India).
The Chartered Engineer certificate is often useful for the following purpose:-
To be empanelled as Valuer, Loss Assessor in various financial institutions like Bank, Insurance companies etc.
To be empanelled as Chartered Engineer in the Original Side of High Courts, Central Excise and Customs and other similar govt concerns.
To win contract of civil works from Municipal Corporation and similar govt bodies.
To be employed and/or promoted in foreign companies.
To practice as self employed consultant in India and abroad.
In general, the Chartered Engineer certificate being issued by the IEI (which is one of world’s oldest and largest professional bodies of Engineers), plays the role of recognition and acceptance of one’s techno-academic qualification and professional attainment on a global platform.
Membership Fee
The fee structure to become a member of student chapter is as follows.
One-time Membership Fee for Students of | Subscription, Rs. | Share of Students’ Chapter for College, (Rs.) | Share of HQs and concerned State/Local Centre, (Rs.) |
First Year | 115+95+95+95=400 | 300 | 100 |
Second Year | 115+95+95=305 | 230 | 75 |
Third Year | 115+95=210 | 155 | 55 |
Fourth Year | 80+35=115 | 80 | 35 |