Welcome to the Learning Centre

MSEC Central Library provides a unique ambiance for the student’s to study. It is having an integrated approach to both the Engineering & Management program. It collectively supports the teaching-research of the Institute, through its various library services, which have been introduced, such as Literature Search, Inter Library Loan, Reference Service, Content Digitization, News-clipping Service, Current Awareness Service, User Orientation etc. Our Central Library is also, well equipped with an internet browsing, which gives the students unlimited virtual access to various subscribed, digital academic resources.
Library Computerization: It is well computerized using the World class Library Management Operation Systems, i.e. KOHA software, whose unique feature is the OPAC, which gives a remote access to browse through the books & Online Journals. Library has, also adapted to the bar-coded based Circulation system, to keep a track of all the issued books.
Library Resources- Stack Collection Details:
Volumes | 120789 |
Title | 31857 |
Reference Books | 3545 |
E-Books | 10676 |
Daily Newspapers | 07 |
Back Volumes | 650 |
CD-ROM | 1638 |
Project Reports | 3250 |
E-Journal DELNET | 860 |
Database (IESTC ) Journals | 1825 |
Database (J-Gate) Journals | 50684 |
S.No | Departments | No. of Titles | No. of Volumes | No. of National Journals | No. of International Journals |
1 | B.E – Mechanical | 3721 | 12424 | 06 | 06 |
2 | B.E – Civil | 2876 | 11395 | 06 | 06 |
3 | B.E – ECE | 3667 | 11513 | 06 | 06 |
4 | B.E – CSE | 5923 | 20427 | 06 | 06 |
5 | B.E – EEE | 2063 | 5598 | 06 | 06 |
6 | B - Architecture | 2253 | 22608 | 05 | 05 |
7 | B.Tech – Chemical | 917 | 6854 | 06 | 06 |
8 | B.E – Marine | 730 | 2319 | 06 | 06 |
9 | B.E – Aeronautical | 529 | 1677 | 06 | 06 |
10 | B.Tech – IT | 680 | 3204 | 06 | 06 |
11 | MBA | 3865 | 8675 | 06 | 06 |
12 | MCA | 360 | 3016 | 06 | 06 |
13 | DASH | 2464 | 8502 | 06 | - |
14 | General | 1809 | 2577 | - | - |
S.NO | NAME OF THE DEPARTMENT | No of Printed Journals |
TOTAL | 43 |
Library Working Hours
Monday to Saturday - 8.00 A.M. to 7.00 P.M
All Sunday - 10.00 A.M. to 4.00 P.M
Library Committee
1 | Dr.S.Selvaperumal | Principal | Chairman |
2 | Dr.V.Senthilkumar | Vice Principal | Member |
3 | Dr.Dravida Selvi | Head Academics | Member |
4 | Mr. Mohamed Rafi | Head - IQAC | Member |
5 | Dr.C.Sureshkumar | Chief Librarian | Member |
6 | All HoDs | - | Member |
7 | Mr.L.Vasanth | III -Yr EEE Student Rep | Member |
8 | Miss T.Keerthiga | III -Yr EEE Student Rep | Member |
9 | Mr.S.Karuppasamy | III -Yr Civil Student Rep | Member |
10 | Mr.M.Mohamed Aamir | III -Yr Civil Student Rep | Member |
11 | Mr.J.Ahamed Huaif | III -Yr Chemical Student Rep | Member |
12 | Miss.M.Pooja | III -Yr Chemical Student Rep | Member |
13 | Mr.S.Ahamed Anas | III -Yr Mechanical Student Rep | Member |
14 | Mr.V.Aswin | III-Yr Mechanical Students Rep | Member |
15 | Mr.S.Karthik Kumar | III -Yr ECE Student Rep | Member |
16 | Miss.J.Nasrin Banu | III -Yr ECE Student Rep | Member |
17 | Mr.N.Keerthivasan | III -Yr CSE Student Rep | Member |
18 | Miss.M.S.Yazhini | III -Yr CSE Student Rep | Member |
19 | Mr.M.Thiru Sharma | III -Yr IT Student Rep | Member |
20 | Miss.N.Lifaya | III -Yr IT Student Rep | Member |
21 | Mr.B.Muthupandi | III -Yr Marine Student Rep | Member |
22 | Mr.R.Rajkumar Sahoo | III -Yr Marine Student Rep | Member |
Membership Borrowing Eligibility
Membership Category | Borrowing Entitlements | Loan Period |
Teaching Staffs | 10 Books | 30 Days |
UG Students | 10 Books | 15 Days |
PG Students | 10 Books | 15 Days |
Supporting and Administrative Staff | 05 Books | 30 Days |
Membership :
- All the Staff and Students are the members of our College Library.
Membership Borrowing Eligibility :
a. All the students are eligible to borrow 10 Books.
b. All staff are eligible to borrow 15 Books.
- Reference books and periodicals will not be issued.
- Library ID is not transferable.
- Member should notify the Librarian any loss of cards and change of address immediately.
- The User may reserve a book in circulation. He will be notified as soon as the reserved books are returned. The book will be retained at the circulation Desk for a one-day from the date of return.
- Books will be issued for a short duration of 15 days only.
Overdue Fine :
(a) First Seven days Rs.1.00 per day per book
(b) 8 to 14 days Rs.2.00 per day per book
(c) 15 days onwards Rs.5.00 per day per book
- Silence should be observed in the Library.
- The user should leave his/her personal belongs (Like bags, brief case, notebooks and files) at the entrance of the Library.
- Loss of books should be reported immediately to the Librarian. If the borrower is unable to replace the lost book, the cost (triple amount) will be recovered from the borrower.
- All the books must be returned to the Library in time for the physical stock verification of library books.
- Students are advised to check whether the book contains all the pages intact and then borrow. At the time of returning, If we find any damage or defect the borrower will be held responsible.
Open access E-Journals
S.NO | Name of Provider | Access URL |
1 | Directory of Open Access Journals | http://doaj.org/ |
2 | BioMed Central | http://www.biomedcentral.com/journals |
3 | Scientific Research Publishing | http://www.scirp.org/ |
4 | Core | https://www.core.ac.uk/ |
5 | Trans stellar journal publication and Research Consultancy | http://www.tiprc.org/ |
6 | Science Publications | http://thescipub.com |
7 | Research India Publication | http://www.ripublication.com/ |
8 | International Assocation of Engineering and Management | http://www.iaeme.com/ |
9 | Seventh Sense Research Group | http://www.internationaljournalssrg.org/ |
10 | Google Scholar | https://www.scholar.google.com |
11 | arXis (Scholar Articles) | https://www.arxiv.org |
12 | Hindawi Publishers | http://www.hindawi.com/ |
13 | CSC Open-Access Library | http://www.cscjournals.org/ |
14 | OMICS International | http://www.omicsonline.org |
15 | Indian Academy of Science | http://www.ias.ac.in |
E- Library
S.NO | Name of Provider | Access URL |
1 | Delnet | https://delnet.in/ |
2 | J-Gate | https://jgateplus.com/ |
3 | National Digital library | https://ndl.iitkgp.ac.in/ |
4 | World digital Library | https://www.wdl.org/ |
5 | Shodhganga | https://shodhganga.inflibnet.ac.in/ |
6 | Shodhsindu | https://ess.inflibnet.ac.in/ |
Free Online Course Materials
S.NO | Name of Database | Database URL |
1 | MIT | www.ocw.mit.edu |
2 | NPTEL | www.nptel.iitm.ac.in |
3 | COURSERA | https://www.coursera.org/in |
4 | THE KHAN ACADEMY | https://www.khanacademy.org/ |
5 | EDX | https://www.edx.org/ |
6 | UDACITY | https://www.udacity.com/ |
7 | LYNDA | https://www.linkedin.com |
8 | AUDIBLE | https://www.audible.in/ |
9 | GOOGLE BOOKS | https://books.google.co.in/ |
10 | WIKI-HOW | https://www.wikihow.com/ |
11 | DO IT YOURSELF | https://www.doityourself.com/ |
12 | INFRASTRUCTABLES | https://instuctables.com. |
13 | LET’S MAKE ROBOTS | https://www.robotshop.com/ |
14 | WONDER HOW TO | https://www.wonderhowto.com/ |
15 | IKEA HACKERS | https://ikeahackers.net/ |
16 | MAKE PROJECTS | https://makeprojects.com/ |
17 | TED TALKS | https://www.ted.com/ |
18 | HOW STUFF WORKS | https://www.howstuffworks.com/ |
19 | YOUTUBE | https://www.youtube.com/ |
20 | UDEMY | https://www.udemy.com/ |
21 | SKILLSHARE | https://www.skillshare.com/ |
22 | TECHABLE | https://teachable.com/ |
Competitive Exams Links
Transaction of Books (Issue & Return) | Internet & Intranet | Reservation of Books |
Reference | Online Public Access Catalogue (OPAC) | Reminder for overdue books |
Reprographic (Xerox) | Group Discussion Room | Inter Library Loan |
Periodical utilization |
Institution Membership
Developing library Network (DELNET): (International Library Network) – avail any book, Xerox or soft copy of any journal article through ILL (Inter Library Loan) https://delnet.in/ |
J-Gate (Database) has more than 50,684 journals are available in the online Website: https://jgateplus.com/ |